Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Story Sacks for the Children

15.02.2012   Wednesday   Mostly Cloudy

A Nursery Nurse Student, Alex is carrying out a research in the Nursery as part of her Graded Unit. She has chosen to look into the children language development. She has decided to use the Story Sacks in carrying out her experience.

The Story Sacks has started with the children who have gotten their first one on February 2, 2012. The duration of the research is 5 weeks and it will last on March 7, 2012. The Story Sacks is taken home by the children on every Thursday and handed back on the following Wednesday. All of the sacks include a Storybook and relevant activities which go along with it.

Each of the children receives a booklet together with the first Story Sacks. The booklet consists of 5 sets of feedback reports for the concern of both the parent and child. The booklet needs to be completed and handed in by the last day of the research.

After the 5 weeks research, Alex will observe the language development of the children and she will plan accordingly the relevant activities for the children relating to their development of language. All of these Story Sacks reports and observations will be the evidence of her course.

Wish all the children do enjoy the Story Sacks. Meanwhile, wishing Alex all the best in carrying out her research.

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